Movie Reviews

Chicken Run: Muppet Review

It might be rather surprising to see the likes of Chicken Run appear on my blog up for review, however there is an explanation for this. Since I didn’t grow up in England, I wasn’t much exposed to movies and series that a lot of people here, and in the west in general, might have…

Over the Moon: A review

Over the Moon was released nearly exactly two years ago, and while I saw some noise about it online at the time, I didn’t really touch it until one day I was bored out of my mind, and watched the first thing that tiktok decided to show me. The story follows FeiFei as she navigates…

Bubble: A bubble that feels

Here comes yet another gorgeous anime-fairytale twist, in the form of Bubble by studio wit. Now that they’re not literally held prisoner by attack on titan its interesting to see what they produce. As always a summary: In a Tokyo where gravity has broken, a boy and a girl are drawn to each other…The story…

Whisper of the Heart: Close to Home

Sometimes while babysitting my niece I like to put on a Ghibli movie, its two birds with one stone really, a bit of culture and a bit of peace. Honestly for Whisper of the Heart I actually don’t want to talk too much about the plot, I mean its simple enough, a sweet romance with…

Onward: The Magic is Back

This time our choice of movie for our little watch party, despite the gradually nearing assignment deadlines for uni, was Onward, and I’m not going to lie when I say I was a bit…sceptical to watch it after the slight disappointment I had with Turning Red, however I am glad to say it was one…

Turning Red: Some Sides are Messy

I watched Turning Red recently with my friend, mostly because I saw a lot of discourse about it online for several days in a row, both from people hating it and from people loving it and defending it, and as a result I wanted to see which side of the discourse was ‘correct’. I’d like…

Colorful: be it beautiful or dirty colours

I put this on my watchlist because the poster art absolutely blew me away, its probably one of the most beautiful posters I have seen for an anime, or any piece of media so far. Summary: “I” died and was kicked out of the cycle of reincarnation because of the sin “I” committed. An angel…

BELLE: LaLaLai, LaLaLai

Actually I didn’t really get the movie, but it was good eye candy So I went to watch Belle, and after seeing so much content and hype about this movie, I was pretty eager to see it, though I like to control my expectations so that probably saved me from a lot of disappointment. Now,…

My Hero Academia: World Hero Mission

Initial Review After having pretty much dropped the whole MHA series, either due to lack of interest or perhaps something else, I can’t say I was the most excited person to see it, though I was still interested to see what the movie had to offer. So yesterday (Monday 8th November) I had the pleasure…