The Goonies: Muppet Review

Overall I actually enjoyed the movie quite a lot, it was very fun to watch, littered with so many jokes and comedic moments that it was hard to not find something funny. I am a simple person and for some reason my favourite moment was when the kid walked into a lightbulb.

The story is relatively simple, some kids go on an adventure in an attempt to find treasure that will save them from having to relocate. I wont lie that this- even though stated at the beginning of the movie- had to be explained to me. But I think it was the lack of subtitles that made it hard for me to understand what was being said sometimes. Even though there was a lot of characters, I liked how each got their own little ‘thing’ about them. For example one of the boys randomly knowing Spanish? And obviously Chunk and his obsession with food. (I mean at some points he was basically just being bullied but what can I say…)

I did enjoy Chunk’s separate adventure with Sloth and how they became good friends despite everything.

I enjoyed the fact that even though there was some action scenes there wasn’t that many, because I generally don’t have the attention span to be watching a seemingly endless action scene.

In the end it felt like a classic pirate adventure story, and I loved it for that.
The boys did feel like “the famous five” or something like that though, but I guess it just adds to it.

So to conclude it’s a well balanced story, between all the comedy and action (though I could have lived without the romance but that’s just me).

(It was kinda annoying that they didn’t manage to get more treasure in the end, but watching the ship sail off was satisfying I suppose. And because I like to ruin my own suspense of disbelief, I’m sure that the government stepped in and took hold of the ship anyway because I doubt they’re gonna let a random ass 17th century ship sail without giving it over to some historians and museums, and because of that, if i was the family, I would request some payout for the sheer fact that my kids just went and found it. I mean that is some impressive feat.)

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